What is portable appliance testing?

Do I need pat testing?

The pat testing process

The frequency (how often) of testing

Portable appliance testing, commonly referred to as pat testing, is a term used to describe the visual inspection and testing of electrical appliances, leads and equipment to ensure they are safe to use and / or store. During the inspection and testing, a pat tester can also ensure the environment in which the appliances are being used, is safe and suitable, as this can have a bearing on the prevention of electrical shocks and fires. Pat testing is carried out in premises ranging from leased caravans to large corporate companies.

Essentially, if you have electrical appliances, ranging from a desk top lamp to 3 phase stationary equipment, there must be a method of ensuring the appliances are safe to use and /or store.

Pat testing is NOT a legal requirement. However, it IS widely recognised as the accepted method of proving adherence to the Acts and Regulations that cover this.
Employers, employees, visitors, contractors and members of the public are all at possible risk from electrical appliances and it is therefore vital all electrical equipment is at the very least subjected to routine user checks and preferably, routine recorded checks by an appointed member of staff. This is not always possible or neglected and therefore portable appliance testing is a convenient and cost effective way to ensure recorded visual inspections and testing take place.

Please note, pat testing should not be considered INSTEAD of regular user checks, rather both should be considered as part of the health and safety and compliance routine

Once a date has been decided upon, usually when the testing is due, the date is confirmed with an email including a Risk Assessment and Method Statement.
The Risk Assessment can be altered to include site specific risks and and can be updated year on year.
During the testing, the item subject to the test will normally need to be powered off / shut down and unplugged, unless only a limited visual inspection is being carried out.
On completion a Report and Certificate will be emailed to the site contact.
A full statement regarding all aspects of how we carry out the testing is included in our Method Statement.
Along with our other policies, this can be found via the button below, along with an Example Report

As we test in accordance with the IEE Code Of Practice for In-Service Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment 5th Edition, we can advise on the correct frequency of testing for the equipment on site in conjunction with a rolling risk assessment on site.
Your testing may NOT need to be tested annually unless there are specific risks that cause the testing to be carried out more frequently.

By testing as required rather than annually as standard, we can tailor your testing to your specific requirements and to suit the environment in which you work, thus decreasing costs, time and disruption to the working day.
However, we will only advise if requested to do so, we will always test in accordance with YOUR wishes, as the duty holder.

Below are just a few examples of the failed items we have found on-site